Monday, 27 September 2010

Why does meditation make me angry?


I had an interesting question today, so I thought I'd share the answer:

Ques: twice after meditation I found myself very angry and I tried to express it in a safe way but did bite my husband's head off. Any thoughts on the matter. (from Judy in New Zealand)

My ans:
Yes, I do have very definite thoughts on the matter. Anger seems to be a VERY common reaction to meditation. People are usually confused by it, as you expect medtation to make you more peaceful and hence, less angry.

Meditation works to purify your mind. We all have thoughts that we don't want to have - emotions that we don't want to express, etc. No yogi wants to be an angry person. So, in the past, when this type of thought started to form, we suppressed it - much like sweeping dirt under the carpet. But, meditation is like an intense spring cleaning - you pick up the carpets and give them a good shake. All of the hidden 'dirt" come out. I think it is a necessary part of the purification process. However, it doesn't mean that you're supposed to bite your husband's head off - learn to witness your own thoughts (and emotions) in a detached manner. Observe the negative thoughts, but do not act on them.

Yoga Sutra, verse
1.12 abhyasa-vairagyabhyam tan nirodhah

"vrittis may be controlled by abhyasa (regular steady practice) and vairagya (detachment)".

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Relationships and Cooperation between Chakras

I'm working on a chapter for my book that looks at how the chakras inter-relate and work with each other. Actually, the independent actions and particular characteristics of the various chakras can only be separated intellectually. The function of each chakra intricately blends with the workings of the others.

To understanding the working of each chakra, it is important for you to see the bigger picture. In addition to taking in energy and acting as a transmitter for your thoughts and feelings, each chakra must function and interact with the others. To understand a chakra’s functions and mis-functions out of context would be a big mistake!